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Web Component

Change my-element to whatever namespace you’d like to use for your custom element.

Web Component element names must include a -, and be registered with the customElements.define() method. The JavaScript class for your library extends the HTMLElement object.

Source Code

The Boilerplate

<!-- HTML -->
// JavaScript
customElements.define('my-library', class extends HTMLElement {

	 * The class constructor object
	constructor () {

		// Always call super first in constructor

		// Inject some HTML
		this.innerHTML =
			`<h1>Hi, universe!</h1>`;

		// ALT: Shadow DOM
		// Creates a shadow root
		// this.root = this.attachShadow({mode: 'closed'});

		// Inject some HTML into the shadow DOM
		// this.root.innerHTML =
		// 	`<h1>Hi, universe!</h1>`;


	 * Runs each time the element is appended to or moved in the DOM
	connectedCallback () {
		console.log('connected!', this);

	 * Runs when the element is removed from the DOM
	disconnectedCallback () {
		console.log('disconnected', this);

	 * Runs when the value of an attribute is changed on the component
	 * @requires observedAttributes() method
	 * @param  {String} name     The attribute name
	 * @param  {String} oldValue The old attribute value
	 * @param  {String} newValue The new attribute value
	attributeChangedCallback (name, oldValue, newValue) {
		console.log('changed', name, oldValue, newValue, this);

	 * Create a list of attributes to observe
	 * @return  {Array} The attributes to observe
	static get observedAttributes () {
		return ['greeting'];


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